After completing the module, students will be able to:
- give an overview of the broad spectra of metallic an ceramic materials from the perspective of materials science from the macroscopic to the nanoscopic scale;
- explain different state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies for the analysis of materials;
- illustrate the important approaches involved in designing and creating materials and nanostructures;
- express the central concepts in the field of nanosciences.

After completing the module, students will be able to:
- explain in-depth modern microscopic and spectroscopic surface and nanomaterials characterization techniques.
- describe the importance of structural features of surfaces with respect to cell-surface interactions.
- describe the principal methods of sample preparation for analytical techniques required to accurately analyze the surface.
- select the right combination of surface analytical techniques to proper analyze the surface properties of various materials.
- explain the most recent sensing strategies and detection principles in Life Sciences.
- critically evaluate the scope and limitations of the applied methods, the range of sensitivity and the influence of disturbing factors on the results.
- identify artefacts derived from the used methods.

After completing the module students will be able to:
• design and execute typical synthetic methods for the preparation of polymers and polymeric materials;
• characterize polymers by analytical and physico-chemical methods;
• work with inorganic polymers and biopolymers and use them for applications in life science;
• understand the concept of supramolecular chemistry and apply it for the design of novel materials;
• understand polymer processing and industrial application of polymers.